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Ways to Help NYIT and the Indie Theatre Community

Working with the New York Innovative Theatre Awards is a wonderful way to learn more about the community while making it better. The goals of the NYITA are twofold: to bring the indie theatre together, and to recognize the people in the community who are doing outstanding work. We do this via two major events - the Nomination party, and the Awards show. Additionally, we sponsor smaller events throughout the years, such as the "How to produce Indie theatre" seminars.

Here are ways that you can help:

Be a Judge! We have two types of judges - those that come from previous productions, and our "At Large" pool of judges. If you're interested in jumping into the pool, we'd be interested in talking with you! At Large judges are notified when a play is registered and given possible days/times for attending. If you can accept one of those dates, you do so via email, and then the production is notified that you will be attending (by number, not my your name). We have a special need for judges in Brooklyn and Queens.

Interested? Email us at

Be a Judge Wrangler! Someone has to keep all the dates and judges in line, and we want to share the fun, so we're looking for three people to take on the task. The job requires approximately 3-5 hours at your computer per week, entering dates, responding to emails, and keeping in touch with the NYIT Directors about possible problems.

Interested? Email us at

Help with Events! As noted above, we have two large events each year, as well as smaller ones periodically throughout the year. We are always in need of people to help with everything from coat-check, to ushers, to photographers, to stage managers - well, you get the picture. If you'd like to be someone we reach out to when we need a helping hand, please click here to sign up on our volunteer list!




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